Bookkeeping Moonah TAS
Are you looking to reduce the stress that comes with having to do bookwork?
Are you looking to reduce the stress that comes with having to do bookwork?
BAS services provided by Beshara Gabriel, TPB registration number 25217575’
FAB Bookkeeping Moonah is available throughout Moonah, New Town, North Hobart, Mount Stuart, Glebe and Queens Domain.
We come to you. Kassie has extensive business knowledge and understands the restraints that many business owners face that is why we work with you and tailor specific packages that best suit you and your business. We do not operate within 9-5 hours, I am available for my clients 7 days a week, all hours
FAB Bookkeeping Moonah offers a unique service to simplify your bookkeeping so you can dedicate that time spent into something that you enjoy or love doing instead.
We are dedicated and have a wealth of experience. We have over 22 years of experience in various industries and in all areas of bookkeeping; we offer many services to suit your business needs. We tailor all our services to ensure that you get the best results. FAB Bookkeeping Moonah offers a cost effective and convenient bookkeeping solution for all personal and small businesses.
At FAB Bookkeeping Moonah we are very honest and reliable and our professionalism stands out from the rest. We are fully insured with Public Liability and Professional Indemnity. All our clients are our number one priority and we will tailor the hours to suit your busy schedule.
FAB Bookkeeping Moonah specialises in the following services:
Kassie and her family were pleased to sponsor and participate in the Cancer Council Relay for Life 2017.
FAB Bookkeeping Moonah are also proud sponsors of the Australian & New Zealand Police State & Federal Education Journal and also Local Schools in and around Hobart.
We are passionate about our local Community and Events.
I have had the pleasure of engaging Kassie-Lee on several occasions in various businesses we have owned over the last 20 years.
She has never failed to impress and far exceeds our expectations in her ability, professionalism and determination to not only make her career succeed but to ensure her clients succeed. She always goes the extra mile to ensure we are well managed and our accounts are up to date.
When she commenced FAB Bookkeeping I knew this lady would do great things and help other businesses in Hobart.
I highly recommend Kassie to anyone in need of Bookkeeping services or need help starting out in business.
Sue Butterworth
TOTE Derwent Park
To become yours, your family and your friends trusted financial adviser.
Kirsty and Courts
Linda Burgess
Holistic Art Therpay
Deborah Lilley
Civil Celebrant
Laine and Lyall Fraser
Massage therapist & courier driver
Rye Smith
Spruik Digital
Sasha Prokes
Proceil Linings Pty Ltd
Simply fill out the form below and one of our friendly FAB Bookkeepers will be in touch shortly.